Davitt College girls were celebrating further academic success this week when they were presented with certificates of achievement from NUI Galway based on their Junior Certificate results. The girls recorded an A in their honours Business Studies Examination 2013, and were among a group of 250 students from throughout Connacht to receive the honour. The presentations, in association with the Business Studies Teachers Association of Ireland (BSTAI), were made at a special ceremony at the university, to which teachers and parents were invited. Pictured at the ceremony were: Back row (from left): Ms. Bernie Rowland, Principal, Davitt College; Dr. Kieran Conboy, NUI Galway; Ms. Michelle Britton and Ms. Joan Walsh, Business Studies Teachers. Front row (from left): Norah Conlon, Shannon Mangan, Niamh O’Reilly and Amy Vahey. Missing from photo, Davitt College student Helen Murphy