
Junior Cycle Mathematics

New features of this specification include learning outcomes across a unifying strand which permeate all the other strands: Number, Geometry and trigonometry, Algebra and functions and Statistics and probability. In each strand of the specification the learning outcomes associated with a particular mathematical idea have been grouped together thus supporting the conception of mathematics as an interconnected body of ideas and reasoning processes that students explore collaboratively with their teachers and their peers. In addition, the grouping makes explicit the cumulative nature of mathematics. There are also new assessments which offers students a chance to demonstrate their achievement as creators of mathematical reports. Teachers, students and parents will be able to check progress by logging in to examples of student work where they will see the range of annotated examples of work that students in junior cycle Mathematics create and see the learning outcomes in action.

Senior Cycle Mathematics

Mathematics at Senior Cycle builds on the learning at Junior Cycle and develops mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing education, life and work. Through their study of mathematics, students develop a flexible, disciplined way of thinking which enables them to solve problems in mathematical and real world contexts.



Maths Week Ireland is an all Ireland celebration of Maths and took place from 13th October to 21st October 2018. A huge variety of events and activities were organised throughout the country to promote awareness, appreciation and understanding of maths. Davitt College, Castlebar, encourages its students to enjoy Maths and helps them build their confidence in studying Maths. Students are also taught that Maths are a part of everyday life. During Maths Week Davitt College students participated in a number of activities including Transition Year students tutoring First Year students Maths through the use of ICT, Maths Quizzes for a number of students and the history of Mathematics.

Mathematics at Senior Cycle builds on the learning at Junior Cycle and develops mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing education, life and work. Through their study of mathematics, students develop a flexible, disciplined way of thinking which enables them to solve problems in mathematical and real world contexts.