Admission for the 2025/2026 school year

All information regarding admissions for the 2025/2026 academic year is available on this page.

It is very important that you please take time to read the Davitt College Admissions Policy. It outlines the Admissions process and the process that is followed where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available at the school.

Davitt College Admission Policy

The Annual Admission Notice 2025/2026 (published on the 16th October 2024) is available to download below:

Admission Notice 2025/2026

Click here to complete the online Application for Admission 2025/2026 to either 1st Year Mainstream or 1st Year Special Class

Alternatively, you can download, complete and print the Application for Admission to First Year 2025/2026 below:

Application Form for Admission 2025/2026 – 1st Year (Mainstream & Special Class)

Please note that the link below is only for applicants seeking admission to the Special Class (ASD) in Davitt College in either of the year groups named above. Applicants looking for admission to the mainstream of those class groups should not use this form as your application will be invalid (please see information further down this page).

Click here to complete the online Application for Admission 2025/2026 to the Special Class in either 2nd, 3rd, 4th (TY), 5th or 6th Year

Alternatively, you can download, complete and print the Application for Admission to Special Class 2025/2026 below:

Application Form for Admission 2025/2026 – Special Class only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Year

The online application form will be available after 9:00am on Monday 31 March 2025.